COVID-19 Claims are Compensable Under Work Comp Webinar & Slides

ESM_Gov Newsom Executive Order_What Employers Need To Know_LIVE -CAL

Title: COVID-19 claims are compensable under Worker’s Compensation, what employers need to know

Summary: Governor Newson has created a rebuttable presumption that COVID-19 claims are covered under Workers’ Comp. This Order is effective through July 5, 2020.
Please join CAL & ESM for a 30 minute webinar as we discuss this latest development in how COVID-19 claims impact California employers.

What was discussed:
  • How does this Executive Order change things?
  • What COVID-19 claims are now considered covered under Workers’ Comp?
  • Who is covered?
  • What are an employer’s responsibilities?
  • What should employers do to manage their COVID-19 claims per this Order?
  • How will this impact my Workers’ Comp X-Mod? Premiums?
  • 4 pending Senate and Assembly bills that will impact employers