Travelers is providing all California Personal Auto Insurance customers a 10% credit on auto premiums from July 1 and December 31, 2020.
Travelers “View our FAQs” below:
Q: What is the California Auto Premium Credit?
A: Travelers is providing California customers a 10% credit on their personal auto insurance premiums for the months of July through December.
Q: Why is Travelers issuing this California Auto Premium Credit?
A: This credit is being provided in response to the current environment and the marketplace in California. The California Auto Premium Credit is being issued in addition to the Stay-atHome Auto Premium Credits Travelers provided to all US personal insurance auto customers in April, May and June.
Q: How is the California Auto Premium Credit calculated?
A: The 10% credit is based on the cost of the auto insurance coverage calculated, also referred to as earned premium, from July 1 to December 31, 2020. For example, if the cost of the auto insurance coverage is $1,000 between July 1 and December 31, 2020, the customer will receive a check in the amount of $100.
Q: How will California customers be notified about their auto credit?
A: Customers will be notified via email or letter about their credit. They’ll then receive their check in the mail starting in mid-January.
California agents will be notified of the auto credit before emails and letters are sent to customers.
Q: How will California customers receive the auto credit? A: Customers will receive a check in the mail starting in mid-January.
Q: What if an individual had an auto policy in July, but is no longer an auto insurance customer?
A: Customers will receive a 10% credit for any active auto insurance coverage that they had between July 1 and December 31, 2020.
Q: Will the California Auto Premium Credit impact agent commissions?
A: No. The auto credit will have no impact on agent commissions.
Q: Does Travelers have plans to issue additional auto credits in any other states?
A: Not at this time