Work From Home Exposures & Strategies Webinar
If you missed the webinar held on 4/1/2020, please see below:
A new norm of business is upon us: Work From Home (WFH) employees.
To ensure employers (and employees) are prepared for this new type of employment, ESM and CAL have partnered together to provide you with a framework from which to manage these new risks.
This webinar covers the following topics:
1. Developing a WFH Ergonomic program
2. Wellness strategies to minimize physical & environmental exposures (ergonomic and home office set-up), emotional exposures (social isolation) and mental exposures (fatigue, health & wellness)
3. Virtual ergonomic assessments
4. Leveraging technology applications for safety and wellness communications
5. Workers’ Compensation exposures and best practices
6. General WFH best practices