Webinar: Take Action Now – Manage Existing Workers’ Comp Claims During COVID downtime

Take Action Now – Manage Existing Workers’ Comp Claims During COVID downtime

Date: Tuesday 4/14/20

Time: 9 – 10am

Register in advance for this webinar:


Overview:  We are all dealing with the disruptions of our schedules and normal activities as a result of COVID-19.

Please join our live panel of Claims Advocates for a 45 minute discussion on how to use this “downtime” to resolve existing open Workers’ Compensation claims.

Attendees are also welcome to pose their own questions to the panel.

FAQs that will be discussed:

  • What is telehealth and how can it help our business during the sheltering in place requirement?
  • Will Temporary Disability benefits be stopped since my employee’s Doctor’s appointment has been rescheduled to May?
  • My employee doesn’t want to go to the Dr. for fear of being exposed to COVID-19, what can I do?
  • Is now a good time to try and settle cases?
  • What is the current state of the CA Workers’ Compensation system?

Due to layoffs, work-from-home, and other work accommodations, the number of state-wide claims being filed has diminished. This provides an opportunity for claims handlers and defense attorneys to analyze their open claims’ inventory and work up claims for settlement.

Join us as we discuss the opportunities and obstacles to settle cases now and how to overcome them.

Managing workers compensation claims during COVID-19 powerpoint:

ESM_CAL Managing Existing Claims During COVID