Your Return To Work Strategy Webinar (#2) Video & Materials


Presentation by CAL & ESM with a special guest, Jaclyn Carpenter, CEO of Ideal Restoration

Title: Your Return To Work Strategy – Part 2

Overview:  In part 2 we focused on the Return To Work safety framework including actionable tools you can modify, adopt and implement.   We will cover the following 6-point strategy:

  1. Business Preparedness Checklist
  2. Updated Exposure Control Plan
  3. Worksite cleaning protocols
  4. Social distancing protocols
  5. Worksite controls (engineering, administrative)
  6. Re-opening strategy and tools


IDEAL RESTORATION Re-Opening_Infection Prevention (PowerPoint Slides)

Social Distancing Protocols_fillable PDF

ESM_CAL_COVID_Daily Home Health Check_Eng & Spa

CDC Handwashing Poster

CDC Stay Home Poster

CDC Stop the Spread Poster

ESM_CAL_Social Distancing Poster

ESM_CAL_Re-Entry Business Preparedness Checklist_2020_SAMPLE

ESM_CAL_Safety Reboot – Back to Work_Safety Tip

ESM_CAL_Re-Hire Safety Orientaiton Checklist

ESM_CAL_PPE Checklist Overview

ESM_CAL_COVID-19_Exposure Control Plan_Construction

ESM_CAL_Back To Work_Back To Safety_Safety Tip

ESM_CAL_Daily Safety & Health Cleaning Inspection Form